
A research project funded by the Research Council of Norway exploring social responsible crowdsourcing tools for environmental research and decision-making, in the areas of urban air quality and wood burning, urban stormwater management and blue-green infrastructure, and urban planning.

Recent posts

  • Crowdsourcing should be secure

    - Follow 3 simple principles and you've come a long way in handling privacy issues in crowdsourcing, says Ove Skåra from the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

  • iResponse at the Crowdsourcing Week Global 2016

    Oslo 11th of April at 04:30 in the morning, the alarm starts ringggggggg!!!! Time to get up, shower, run to the Gardermoen airport, grab a coffee on the way, and time for boarding. It is 07:00 in the morning of a normal Wednesday and Line and Susana are on their way to London to the Crowdsourcing Week Global 2016, #CWSGblobal2016.

  • What's in it for the crowd?

    Successful crowdsourcing is not just about getting. It's also about giving. The message from our 1st Stakeholder workshop was clear: focus on what you are solving for, or giving to, the crowd.

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